Tuesday, December 21, 2004

December 2004, Marseille

We have now been in France for about 2 months. Winter is beginning to set in and the Mistral is arriving. The Mistral is a very cold, strong wind that blows during the winter. If the Mistral is not blowing Marseille is beautiful and warm. However, when the Mistral blows be prepared to wear everything you own because it is fricken cold!!
When the mistral is blowing, you can go surfing. It is very different from San Diego. In San Diego you only want to surf in the morning when there is no wind. However, in Marseille it is best to wait for the afternoon when the wind is strongest creating a wind swell. Yesterday the waves were about shoulder high. Unfortunately, since the shipping company broke my surfboard I have nothing to ride. I am subjected to running now since I have no bike, surfboard or basketball court to exercise on.
I did have the chance to play basketball the other night. They have professional and amateur leagues here which travel all over France. They always seem to need people to help them in their practices so a friend of mine ask me to come the other night to play in the amateur league which is the equivalent to a small college team (probably division 2 or 3). It was a lot of fun. I definitely was able to keep up with them but I could only last for about 15 minutes at a time. Thank god they play a zone defense. It felt great to play again. I would like to go on a normal basis but it is a bit difficult right now. Hopefully sooner or later we will be more settled so I can join or play more often.

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