Saturday, January 21, 2006

French food rant after weekend in London

As I mentioned in my last post we were in London last weekend. Well, let me start by saying London is great. If you can put aside the crappy weather London has a ton of things to do. And for an American, it gives a taste of home because there are so many similarities between London and the states.

First, I enjoy living in France and there are a lot of great things to see and do but my main pet sometimes I miss the food diversity. Now you are thinking to yourself, France is supposed to have some of the best cuisine in the world. There is no doubt about that and I love the french food. But, the food is not diverse. You can get French food or more French food. If you want something international I suggest going to another country because the options are few and the quality is suspect. For example, if you want good sushi, Indian, Chinese, Mexican or Italian, haha, good luck.

I love to eat sandwiches but every sandwich shop here in France has the same 6-8 types of sandwiches either served on baguette or panini. There is no exploration. Why, I don't understand. I would love to see just once a sandwich with some avocado on it.

I miss Starbucks. I don't personally love Starbucks but I love the concept. I can choose between a regular coffee, an espresso, mocha, etc.. and then I can choose the size. On top of that the Starbucks may be located in a Barns & Nobles so I can sit with my big regular coffee and read a book for an hour. The French love coffee but for some reason they only want a small espresso which lasts all of 2 minutes.

London offers all these things. Quality Indian, Asian, Italian food, and great sandwiches. You notice I don't mention the english food here. Overall, I can't complain since last weekend we flew to London for 45 euros round trip. Valerie is unaware at the moment but we will be doing this more often so I can get a small taste of home.

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