Friday, September 25, 2009

French Naturalization Procedure

Since I am on a roll today, here is a little update on the process I am going through to obtain dual citizenship (French/American). Finally after 4 years of living here and being married to a French citizen I have the right to request dual citizenship like my son who already has it. Lucky him. So back in July I presented my dossier. Basically it takes one year to go through an approval process and yesterday, I cleared the last big hurdle.
Valerie and I had a interview with the National Police. They needed to verify that we lived together and that I have a job and can speak the language. Speaking was the simple part however, I also had to write a paragraph that he dictated to me. Talk about miserable failure. I am really bad at writing in French and even worse when someone is dictating the French to me. Anyway, apparently that didn't affect the outcome. He said he was going to pass along an approval from the National Police and he even told me where to get the best pizza in town. Pizza came up in the interview as my only religious belief when he asked me if I was part of any religious cults. So now all I have to do is go get a pizza and wait for the response from the immigration. Assuming all goes by next July I should be a French/American citizen.

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